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Military tech company that produces software and hardware for national defense

We are focused on saving military lives and increasing their productivity

We are team of Ukrainian specialists dedicated to developing, testing, and scaling effective solutions for the military. The company was founded in 2022 in Ukraine.

Our primary goal is to make a measurable contribution to Ukraine’s victory in the Russian-Ukrainian war. After the victory, we will continue building a company that, through modern business processes, will create relevant solutions for defence needs.

We believe that people are the most valuable resource. Our mission is to develop defence solutions where human-operated machines stand guard over security and democratic values.

In-house R&D Department
Continuous testing in combat conditions
Constantly improving our products
Modern equipment and developments
20+ highly skilled specialists
Highly skilled engineers at the core
Safeguarding military lives is our priority

Our partners

The official fundraising platform of Ukraine
A joint project of Ukraine's state institutions that includes regular UAV procurement and a pilot training course
Delta - Ukraine’s situational awareness system

Our Contacts

We are based in Kyiv and operate 24/7.
Calls and messages are processed from 9AM to 6PM (GMT+2), Monday to Friday.

Sales Department
Media and Career Opportunities
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